As we move forward in these new times your support allows us to provide continued support of extension programming in the following areas:
- 4-H Youth Development and Families
- Food, Nutrition & Health
- Water, Natural Resources and the Environment
Thank you for making Omaha Gives 2020 a huge success! We are so thankful for your generosity as we work to support Nebraska Extension in Douglas and Sarpy counties.
As we move forward in these new times your support allows us to provide continued support of extension programming in the following areas:
The COVID-19 pandemic is touching the lives of each of us and putting a greater emphasis on the economic and social gaps affecting our neighbors and our communities.
That's why donating to the Friends of Extension Foundation is more critical than ever. Your support will help Douglas and Sarpy county youth and adults continue to make the best better in their own backyards. In the past year, thanks to your support, we've been able to make an impact in the following ways: 4-H:
May 20, 2020 marks Omaha Gives!, a 24-hour online fundraising event organized by the Omaha Community Foundation. The goal is to raise support for nonprofits in Douglas, Sarpy and Pottawattamie Counties. It is a community-wide event to show off the area’s spirit of giving, raise awareness about local nonprofits, and celebrate the collective effort it takes to make this community great. Since 2013, this community give-together has raised $49 million for more than 1,000 nonprofits You can help us continue to make a difference in our community by scheduling your gift beginning May 1 or making a donation on May 20. Have more fun–give both ways! The Douglas County Fair has named a new fair manager with an extensive background in 4-H and Extension. Kori Jensen says growing up in a 4-H family, county fairs and livestock shows were a huge part of her life. Previous to her current role, she taught Agriscience classes for seven years as well as being a Future Farmers of America (FFA) advisor. She also served as the Director for Nebraska HOSA – Future Health Professions for four years and has done consulting and volunteer work with a variety of nonprofits and small businesses. Together, Kori and husband, Aaron, have three children: Everett, 9; Kellen, 7; and Hattie 1. The Jensens live on an acreage near Arlington, Nebraska. When Kori isn’t working, she can often be found attending her children's sports, 4-H and boy scout events, planning her family’s next travel adventure, chatting with her three former exchange students, gardening or volunteering. She is excited to be a part of the Douglas County Fair and looks forward to sharing her passion for agriculture and agricultural literacy.
"We are excited to have Kori on board. She brings a vast amount of experience and understands what it takes to create a successful event. Combined with her ability to educate adults and youth on topics surrounding agriculture literacy fulfills the fair's mission of 'Where Urban and Rural Meet,'” said Vernon Waldren, director of Friends of Extension. The Douglas County Fair runs from July 10-12, 2020. The Hope Garden Project is a labor of love for members of Faithful Shepherd Presbyterian Church and Douglas-Sarpy County Extension office master gardeners. Now thanks to a grant by the Friends of Extension Foundation, the project will continue to make a difference in providing food security. The garden project was among eight grants awarded by Friends of Extension Foundation totaling more than $6,600.
Since 2010 the Hope Garden Project has produced thousands of pounds of fresh produce benefiting Heartland Hope Mission. Last year alone the garden produced more than 8,000 pounds. Proceeds from the grant will go to purchase seeds, plants, tools and other gardening necessities to make this year equally successful. Additional horticultural recipients include the Explorer 4-H Club, which received funding to teach youth about horticulture, specifically water. In addition, Master gardener scholarships will also be funded and funds received by the group will allow for the purchase of new portable tables for educational events in Douglas and Sarpy Counties. Other grant recipients include:
Jody Green, Ph.D., knows a thing or two about bees. An Urban Entomologist and Assistant Extension Educator for Nebraska Extension in Douglas-Sarpy Counties, Jody's buzzing to share her knowledge of these important pollinators to you! Join her on Saturday, January 11 at 9 a.m. for Bee There or Bee Square. Jody's specialty is helping people live in harmony with insects and appreciate the benefits they provide. The presentation will take place at the extension office and she will break down the facts of solitary bees, native bees that are not social but are the work horses of bees. Not to be confused with honey bees, there are more than 4,000 species of native bees and many are unique and fun to observe as they forage for food. There is a $5 fee taken at the door. For that and other details, please visit the Facebook Event Page.
You've gobbled up the turkey and stuffing, braved the Black Friday crowds and taken advantage of Cyber Monday's deals, now it's time for #GivingTuesday402. Powered by SHARE Omaha, #GivingTuesday402 is a metro-wide, do good takeover. Please consider supporting Friends in their efforts to support and enhance extension in the following areas:
![]() Debra Brooks has been hired as fair manager of the Douglas County Fair. Brooks brings more than 20 years of marketing, graphic design and event planning to the role. The fair, now in its 161st consecutive year, is hosted by the Friends of Extension Foundation and includes educational exhibits, live music, a parade and livestock shows. Douglas County Fair festivities kick off with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, July 11 and run through Sunday, July 14, 2019. In keeping with the theme "Where Urban Meets Rural" for the second year the fair will be have a presence at two locations: Village Pointe which showcases interactive exhibits, displays and contests and Chance Ridge Event Center which showcases livestock and small animal events along with a petting zoo. Metro Community College's Elkhorn Campus will provide shuttle pick-up/drop off and free parking. For a complete schedule and list of activities, please visit: . In addition to her current role, Brooks also serves as the communications director and executive assistant at the Happy Hollow Club. A huge thanks to the 32 generous donors who are helping support Nebraska Extension educational programs and services in Douglas and Sarpy counties as part of Omaha Gives! The 24-hour charitable day of giving, now in its seventh year, raised a total of $6.7 million to support community nonprofits including Friends of Foundation Extension. Thanks to you, we raised $2,855 to help in the following areas:
Please consider making a donation to Friends of Extension Foundation during Omaha Gives! Day, a 24-hour, online giving event organized annually by the Omaha Community Foundation to grow philanthropy in the metro area (Douglas, Sarpy, and Pottawattamie Counties). The minimum donation is $10 and there is no maximum. The goal is to inspire the community to come together for 24 hours to contribute as many charitable dollars as possible to support the work of local nonprofit organizations. Omaha Gives! is based on other successful giving days hosted by community foundations across the country.
Nearly 70 friends were on hand for the Awards Recognition luncheon presented by Midwest Laboratories, Inc. The event, now in its second year, is sponsored by Friends of Extension Foundation and took place March 22 at Happy Hollow Country Club. Honorees included local organizations, non-profits and community members who give of their time and talents in support of Extension efforts in Douglas and Sarpy counties. Foundation President Mike Pallas kicked off the luncheon and introduced the 2019 honorees. Here's some photos and information about them:
November 2023