As we move forward in these new times your support allows us to provide continued support of extension programming in the following areas:
- 4-H Youth Development and Families
- Food, Nutrition & Health
- Water, Natural Resources and the Environment
Thank you for making Omaha Gives 2020 a huge success! We are so thankful for your generosity as we work to support Nebraska Extension in Douglas and Sarpy counties.
As we move forward in these new times your support allows us to provide continued support of extension programming in the following areas:
The COVID-19 pandemic is touching the lives of each of us and putting a greater emphasis on the economic and social gaps affecting our neighbors and our communities.
That's why donating to the Friends of Extension Foundation is more critical than ever. Your support will help Douglas and Sarpy county youth and adults continue to make the best better in their own backyards. In the past year, thanks to your support, we've been able to make an impact in the following ways: 4-H:
May 20, 2020 marks Omaha Gives!, a 24-hour online fundraising event organized by the Omaha Community Foundation. The goal is to raise support for nonprofits in Douglas, Sarpy and Pottawattamie Counties. It is a community-wide event to show off the area’s spirit of giving, raise awareness about local nonprofits, and celebrate the collective effort it takes to make this community great. Since 2013, this community give-together has raised $49 million for more than 1,000 nonprofits You can help us continue to make a difference in our community by scheduling your gift beginning May 1 or making a donation on May 20. Have more fun–give both ways! |
November 2023