Lorraine is a well-known and well-loved member of the 4-H volunteer community. If you have spent any time in the livestock barn during the Sarpy County Fair, you have benefited from her service. While many folks are busy watching the show, or youth are busy preparing to enter the ring, Lorraine steadily works to make sure the shows happen! She spends work vacations creating show programming and entering names of winners and ribbon placements into data management system. She shows up on entry day and works for hours alongside staff to enter the hundreds upon hundreds of entries that show up that day. She does so all with a gracious smile and loving spirit. In addition, she serves as a 4-H club leader. Her club now contains the children of club alums that she proudly calls “legacies."
She has served as a Friends of Extension Foundation board member for 12 years including serving as president and as treasurer for the past six years. Beginning in 2019 she will serve as the organization's finance committee chair and transition the new treasurer as well as maintain transparency's commitment.
Congratulations, Lorraine Henry.